George Paxinos' Book Presentation
A RIVER DIVIDED is a novel in the environmental genre that poses the question: What would someone with the genetic endowment of Christ do if he were born today –– join Wall Street or street protests? For the formation of charters, neuroscience principles are used, such as those related to the mind, soul, free will and consciousness. Environmental issues are at the center of the novel, including the question of whether the brain is the right “size” for survival. For a free download of the audio book or the ebook of A RIVER DIVIDED visit:

Scientia Professor George Paxinos
NHMRC Research Leadership Fellow, Neuroscience Research Australia, 139 Barker St Randwick, Sydney NSW 2031 Australia,
Mob+61414305220 or +306974424610
Author of the eco-fiction novel A RIVER DIVIDED (Ο ΑΜΑΖΟΝΙΟΣ ΑΝΑΜΕΣΑ ΜΑΣ). May your brain shrink less than expected for your age.